We are developing a proposal for a 11.00MVA solar park located on land west of Pattenden Lane Industrial Estate which comprises 24.4 hectares.
We are looking for your input to help shape our plans before our submission to Kent County Council. The consultation will open on 14 October 2024.
The site was identified for its proximity to a ‘point of connection’ to the electricity grid, where National Grid has confirmed capacity to input renewable energy. The site also benefits from a southerly UK location for optimum solar radiation, and the site is clear of existing infrastructure and we believe meets planning policy requirements. The site is crossed by Public Rights of Way and these will be maintained.
ILOS works proactively with the landowner and local stakeholders to design a scheme that achieves its function to generate renewable energy, enhances the site’s ecology, and ensures the site is screened where possible. ILOS strives to deliver significant biodiversity net gain by bolstering existing planting, additional planting, wildflower seeding, and working with the County Ecologist to design a suitable plan.
The final proposals will be informed by the feedback received through the consultation and influenced by the landowners’ aspiration to deliver a sustainable development.